Side Hustle or Main Course?
Looking for a way to boost your income and impact? Wondering how to do so in a post-Covid environment? Whether you want a side hustle or an entirely new career, this may be *just* the gig you've been looking for.
The Opportunity:
Across the globe, people are at home.
They are bored.
They are looking for ways to uplevel their lives.
They want to come out of this situation stronger than ever before.
Their livelihood has been threatened (as has yours, perhaps), yet they haven't lost sight of the end goal: Coming out of this better than they went in.
Which is why online education has seen a huge implosion of growth since March, 2020.
Take a look at these recent messages from online education platforms.
That's from Teachable. ^^^
And one from Thinkific ^^^
In other words, if you have an area of expertise that you can teach other people, NOW is your time to lead.
What Can You Do?
Right after it became clear that the Covid-19 lockdown was here to stay, I invited a relationship coach to join the program.
I saw an immediate need for couples to have access to tools that would help them thrive when they were suddenly cooped up together.
Here's what we did:
Convinced Athena that now was the single best time to build her business.
Developed an irresistible offer with equally irresistible messaging.
Formed a strategic content plan that would deliver amazing results for her clients.
Built a high-converting website.
Created all the important foundational business systems: onboarding, retention, engagement, community.
Crafted an organic marketing campaign that built on her strengths and interests without costing a penny.
Priced her ongoing program at $97/month.
Sold it.
Bam! 43 people registered for her program and she walked away with $4,171 in revenue of RECURRING INCOME!
Here's how you can take that concept and run:
Host a virtual workshop. Invite people in. Teach the content you are an expert in. Get immediate results. Make money.
Generate a course using that content. Host the course on a platform like Thinkific, Kajabi, or Teachable. Give valuable information. Get some results. Make some money.
Create a membership site. Develop content within your area of expertise. Usher in transformation (rather than merely give information), provide ongoing support to your members, and watch your reputation grow immensely. Get long-lasting results for your clients. Make a 6-figure income. Earn that money on a recurring basis with a recurring revenue business model.
Want help starting or growing this business? We run a comprehensive program that does just that. And we offer a unique guarantee that NO ONE else in the field offers.
Schedule a call with us now to see if you qualify.