Plan Monthly Email Campaigns in a Weekend


All the experts say, “Treat your email list like gold,” or “The money is in your list.” Email marketing is flouted as a way to make money in your sleep. While that idea sounds nice, the money won’t flow if you just throw out some random emails and hope for the best.

No indeed. Successful email marketing requires careful planning and an honest desire to help your target audience solve their problems. Instead of viewing these subscribers as dollar signs, add some humanity into your writing and help them. Make thoughtful affiliate recommendations. Guide them to free resources. Introduce them to other experts who can offer different strategies or viewpoints.

When you put your audience first, you’ll notice that crafting your email series becomes easier. Learn about their pain points and you’ll start to recognize products or programs that will help. Learn about their financial struggles and you’ll know how to price your own products.

This planner will help get you organized with your email content from start to finish. You’ll learn how to:

·         define your ideal email marketing schedule – for you and your audience

·         pair up your content with your paid offers so they make sense

·         create a value ladder to attract and keep customers

·         generate buzz with tantalizing content

·         outline your emails to naturally bring more sales

·         use a commonly forgotten strategy to bring in sales

·         and how to actually ask for the sale

If you’re ready to ramp up your email marketing this month, let’s get started!

Step One: Creating an Efficient and Aligned Email Schedule That Fills Your Soul

Have you ever been so caught up in your daily work that suddenly you come to the shocking realization that you haven’t emailed your list in 4 weeks (or longer)?

Or have you ever had the thought that you really NEED to email your list, but you’re stuck on what to say or what to promote?

Neither scenario is ideal, especially if you’re using email marketing as a way to nurture your list to further that Know, Like, and Trust relationship. These are the people who will buy from you, but how can they get to know, like, and trust you if they never hear from you? With sporadic email marketing, you’ll spend more time refreshing their memories of who you are rather than making sales.

So, instead of sitting on this revolving hamster wheel that leads nowhere, let’s create an email planning calendar. This will allow you to get clear on exactly when and how many emails you’ll be sending this month. The beauty of this type of calendar is you can use it as a template for future months by making just a few tweaks.

The first step is to look at a blank calendar and decide how many times each week you’d like to email your list. Also keep in mind how frequently your list wants or expects to hear from you. Some niches will expect valuable emails every business day while others may prefer once per week. Melding your own frequency with what your audience expects is something only you can determine as you know your ideal clients the best.

While looking at the calendar, take note of any holidays or religious days of observation. You may be able to promote something around the holiday or you may need to bump your email message for that day. Common sense says you’ll get incredibly low responses if you send an email on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s, so adjust your email schedule as necessary.

At the bare minimum, plan to email your list once per week. That’s enough to keep your name fresh in their minds without becoming a nuisance. You are in complete control of how frequently you email, so even if you schedule those emails but then are struck with a burst of creative inspiration, send out another email on the fly. If people complain or unsubscribe, then they’re not part of your ideal audience anyway.

One note: Don’t commit to an email schedule that instinctively feels like too much. Do you have enough content to email multiple days a week without repeating yourself? Do you enjoy writing enough to craft all these emails? Do you feel like you’re forcing the writing ideas or are they coming naturally?

Your readers will know if you’re forcing the content. They’ll know if you’re not being authentic about what you’re sharing or if it feels like you’re writing simply to meet a deadline. Combine your readers’ needs with your own comfort level and start nurturing that relationship. As emailing becomes more of a habit, you can change your frequency at a future date.

Exercise:  Soulful Email Planner

Determine your ideal email schedule for the month and when you intend to email your list.


      Look at your current work schedule. Which days can you add email writing tasks?

How long does it take you to write one email?

      Will you need multiple sessions for each email?

      How often does your audience expect to hear from you?



      Multiple times each week

      Are you familiar with how to schedule emails in advance?

      Do you have a virtual assistant who can schedule them for you?

      Look at the monthly calendar. Which holidays are coming up?

      Will you skip that email or send on a different day?


      Schedule these emails on your monthly calendar. Also, schedule time needed to write those emails.









When do you have time to write?

How often do you want to send emails?

Schedule in time for writing.

Step Two: Identify Your Money-Making Potential With Promotions

Email marketing is the easiest way to reach your customers, clients, and prospects. They’ve already given you permission to contact them, which is equivalent to unlocking the front door of their house for you.

While providing value should always be an important consideration in all your emails, feel free to turn your emails into money makers. You have your readers’ undivided attention, NOW is the time to include a link to your latest product, your next VIP retreat, or an affiliate product from a trusted associate.

However, rather than just spitting out products they should buy, let’s put some thought into this stage so your emails don’t sound disjointed and sporadic. Take out your calendar and plan a theme for each month of the year. With one major theme each month, you can plan your email sequences so each message flows together seamlessly. Sticking with a theme also makes choosing your promotions easier.

In addition to choosing your monthly theme, take a look at your own production dates and launch deadlines. In the weeks building up to a launch, consider writing emails to build buzz about your new product. Your call to action could be to pre-order your product or to register for a pre-sale webinar.

Don’t forget to add affiliate products into your email marketing repertoire, provided they serve your audience. It’s perfectly acceptable to monetize your emails! You’re running a business and while giving away free advice and information is generous, that’s not what pays your bills. Prove to your readers that you have their best interests at heart and they will become loyal customers.

Pro Tip: Don’t confuse your readers with multiple offers in a single email. Stick to one offer per email so you’re not distracting your readers. Distracted readers don’t relate to your copy and don’t take action.

Think about each promotion you want to send this month and think about these questions:


·         Do you have a theme for the month?

·         Why does this promotion make sense to send now?

·         Is this promotion related to your monthly theme?

·         Does this promotion provide value for your audience?

·         Will you promote this offer in one email or will you send reminders or a series of emails?

·         Does the promotion fit in with the subject matter of your email?

·         Are there any humorous celebrations that you can capitalize on, such as National Hamburger Day on May 28th?


In addition to providing value, your promotions need to make sense, both in the context of the email body copy and to your readers.

Exercise: Map Out Your Promos


Map out your monthly themes below.  














Map out your product releases. Plot those dates on the calendar.























Add your product launch info here each month.

Mark the days you want to send emails.

Also mark your writing days.

Step Three: Establish Expertise & Credibility with Value-Packed Free Content

As great as your paid products may be, if a brand-new follower stumbles upon your website or sales page, chances are high they won’t make a purchase right that minute. They don’t know who you are, what you do, or if you can help them. You need to build your credibility with your audience first – by providing value. Only after you’ve proven yourself can you expect them to spend money with you. It’s the whole Know-Like-Trust factor.

Have you heard the term “value ladder”? It’s set up similarly to a sales funnel but is focused strictly on how you can attract and keep clients. This process is a fine art because you’re not just hocking your products; you’re speaking to these people, giving them valuable content, and showing them that you know what you’re doing. Your products are an added bonus; your knowledge, experience, and authenticity are what will draw your audience to you.

This is not about sales or making money at this point. A value ladder is all about earning the trust of your new customer or client. It’s nurturing that relationship, so they rely on you as their go-to person. It’s NOT about making a quick buck; that will only give you a smarmy reputation.

You’ve heard the phrase, “You need to spend money to make money”? This is similar; you need to give away free content to make money, but it’s also helping to build your credibility. The first step in your value ladder is offering free content to your ideal audience.

What Type of Free Content?

Use all these formats or experiment and track which formats give you the most engagement. So long as you’re providing value to your followers, the format is really secondary.

1.      Blog posts. Write evergreen blog posts chock full of detail and useful information. “Epic” blog posts with 2,000+ words can help with your website’s SEO, too. Tell your email subscribers about this epic tome by including a link in your next mailing.

2.      Opt-in lead magnets. People protect their email addresses, so you really need to make your lead magnet worthy of giving up that information. Then you need to follow up with your emailing consistently so they don’t think they were duped into joining your list.

3.      Podcast interviews. Whether you host your own podcast or were featured on someone else’s, promote those podcast interviews to your list and social media followers. Interviews bump your credibility because only experts are interviewed, right?

4.      YouTube videos. If you’re a natural in front of the camera, create a YouTube channel and promote it to your email subscribers. Give them links to your newest videos and always include a call to action in your videos so viewers know their next steps. If you only post videos sporadically, consider embedding your videos into a blog post to drive traffic back to your website instead.

5.      Infographics. Sometimes infographics help you break down a complex subject into simpler terms, especially topics that have lots of statistics. Instead of stuffing those stats into a long blog post, simplify it with an infographic. Embed it in a blog post and then email your subscribers about it.

6.      Facebook Live videos. If you love the interaction with a live audience, promote your next Live video and feed off that energy. Live videos don’t have to be long to be effective and it gives you a chance to interact with your viewers. Email your subscribers about the Live date and time as well as a link to the replay for those who missed it.

7.      Other social posts. Did one of your favorite influencers mention you on Instagram? Are you having a controversial debate with 100 of your closest Facebook friends? Tell your email subscribers about it. Invite them to join in.

8.      Images or graphics. Stock images with inspirational sayings are quite common on social media. Mix it up with your own quotes about business or photos of your products. Did you speak at an event? Show off some of those photos, too. Watermark your photos with your logo so others can easily search for your business name.

9.      Transcripts of interviews. Some people have a love/hate relationship with podcasts and videos and they much prefer to read (or scan) blog posts on your site. Offering transcripts of your featured interviews helps satisfy those readers while also boosting your SEO.

Use Free Content to Build Buzz for Your Launch

Use your free content to serve a dual purpose: Build that credibility AND buzz for your new product launch. Your fans already love you and are waiting with bated breath for your launch. But you can win over those new followers more quickly by showcasing your expertise at the same time you’re talking about your newest product and how it can help them.

The trick is to not give away all your secrets! Learn to work backwards on your calendar by choosing a launch date and then marking off promotional weeks. Get creative with those promos and really think about what you can provide your audience that will build your trust while getting them excited about your product launch.

Exercise:  Value Ladder Identification

Plan and schedule the additional email content that leads into your upcoming product launch. Change the frequency and number of emails to suit your audience and schedule.


Week 1, Email 1

Send Date:


Content Format: (blog, video, infographic, interview, etc.)

Week 1, Email 2

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 2, Email 1

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 2, Email 2

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 3, Email 1

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 3, Email 2

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 4, Email 1

Send Date:


Content Format:

Week 4, Email 2

Send Date:


Content Format:

Step Four: Generate Buzz with Tantalizing Content

Do you have a library of great content just sitting on your website or social media profiles? It’s time to make your content work for you by repurposing it! Repurposing simply means taking older content and turning it into another format, such as using a blog post as part of your email newsletter or taking important quotes from a blog post and using them as social media images. Even updating an older blog post and republishing it counts as repurposing!

Repurposing content is the easiest way to multiply your dollars. Take your existing content, pair it with your promos and VIOLA! You’ve got brand new content with strong calls to action that will bring in sales.

Instead of jumping straight into the repurposing pool, let’s think about this process systematically. You’ve already mapped out your promos in Step Two, so take that list and pair it with content you’ve already created. Keep in mind, there needs to be a relevant link between the two. Nothing makes sense about pairing an article about “5 Ways to Implement Technology in Your Business” with a promo for the greatest health shakes you’ve ever tried. Pair your content subject matter carefully with the promo.

Your promo should be the logical next step for your followers to take. So, if you’re a business coach, take that same “5 Ways to Implement Technology in Your Business” article and pair it instead with an offer for your Setting Up Systems and Processes coaching package. Some business owners are stymied by technology, so encourage those people to take part in your specialized coaching where you can lead them through the systems process.

Or, if you’re a health coach and want to sell awesome shakes, create content that talks about gut health, speeding up metabolism, or how sugar causes diseases. Once people see the healthy content, they’ll want to buy your shakes. See the connection?

Here are a few more reasons why you should repurpose your content:


1.      Reach new audience members. If you’re gaining new email subscribers and social followers every day, they aren’t necessarily going to go back a year or more to peruse your blog content. Update and repurpose those blog posts for those new audience members. Your current audience probably won’t remember that particular post, either.

2.      Expand your reach. Not everyone learns the same way; some people prefer to read while others prefer to listen. Some people digest statistics easily while others need a quick snapshot. Repurposing your content attracts more people to you with these varied learning methods.

3.      Reach your customers at every stage of the buying process. New followers or subscribers want to learn about you, so they will likely search for longer articles to get a feel for who you are. Repeat customers, however, already know you, so they are happy getting shorter pieces of content. Repurposing content gives customers what they want and need at every stage.

4.      Save yourself time and money. Why reinvent the wheel when a simple update is all that’s needed? Of course, you should always create new content but mixing the old with the new is perfectly acceptable. Make some tweaks to the headline, update some stats, or add a case study to your content and you’ve got a brand-new article in half the time it took to write the old one.

Repurposing may seem like a daunting process but to make it easier, pick just a few content pieces to start with. Take your highest performing content pieces first, find ways to rework them, and then publish them and promote. If these original pieces already performed well once with engagement numbers, chances are the repurposed content will do the same.

Exercise: Repurposing Made Easy

Determine what additional supporting content will be needed or can be repurposed.

Top Performing Content Already Published

Current Format(s)

Ideas for Repurposing

Blog Posts:



















Social Media Posts/Discussions:







Lead Magnets:







Infographics/Other Images:






Live Videos or Events:






Brainstorming Ideas

But your job doesn’t end there with the repurposing. You need to leverage your other platforms to promote, promote, promote. Content is a wonderful tool, but it only works when you promote it. Don’t be shy…you need to tell people about your business and what you do before you can expect to pad your pockets with moo-lah.

If this sounds like an overwhelming idea, think of it this way: You’ve already taken a shortcut with repurposing your content. Having a content calendar for both email AND social media is another shortcut so you always know what you’re going to post and when. Utilize a VA or a social media scheduler to save even more time. Use the exercise below to envision how to break down this content into small, weekly tasks. Once this process becomes a habit, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can fill up your content calendar.

Exercise: Your Easy-Peasy Weekly Schedule

Breakdown your monthly content needs into a weekly bite-sized schedule.

Monthly Content Needs

# of Blog Posts:

# of Live Videos:

# of Interviews:

# of Podcast Episodes:

# of Lead Magnets/Email Series:

# of Infographics or Other Images:

# of Social Media Posts:


      Facebook _____

      Twitter _____

      LinkedIn _____


      Pinterest _____

      Instagram _____

      Other _____


Other notes:

Plan your content creation schedule on this calendar. Remember to factor in multiple days of creation for longer, more detailed content. Consider batching your content work, such as filming multiple videos in one day, or writing multiple emails or blog posts in one day.









Step Five: Create a Juicy Outline that Compels Sales Naturally

If you’re not a natural born writer, thinking about writing multiple emails a month can seem daunting. I get it. But instead of letting these writing tasks pile up, take your email content calendar and break down each email into small bullet points. Just like it helps to see major goals broken down into smaller steps, breaking down your emails (and other content) lightens the load.

Divide your high-level ideas into tantalizing tidbits that instantly make your ideal clients hit the buy button. These selling points are where you hit the nail on the head, and you make the reader say “Duh! I need this now”.

This process is easiest to complete after you pair your content with your promotion. Before you start writing the emails, take a moment to dissect exactly what you’ll say to your audience. Use bullet points to stay organized. Reword these important points with strong language so they compel your reader to click that link or buy button.

What are you promoting?

·         Write down the top 3 benefits of that product.

·         Write down 3 reasons why your audience needs this product.

What content are you sharing with this promotion?

·         Is it relevant to the offer?

·         What emotion does the content elicit?

·         Does the subject matter offer value to your audience?

·         What are 3 takeaways for your audience?

Can you offer social proof to boost your trust factor?

·         Do you have testimonials you can quote?

·         Do you have comments on social media from happy clients?

·         Do you have any case studies or statistics that your methods are successful for your clients?

Don’t worry…this seems like a lot of information, but it won’t cause your email to drag on for miles. These are just questions to ask yourself to pare down the information you want to include. Pick out the relevant points and leave the rest. Once you get into the habit, you’ll start pulling out your bullet points faster.

Exercise: Leveraging Your Content Template

Develop bullet points for each of the days that you intend to email your audience.


Email 1

Send Date:

Subject Line:









Social Proof:




Email 2

Send Date:

Subject Line:











Social Proof:





Email 3

Send Date:

Subject Line:











Social Proof:





Email 4

Send Date:

Subject Line:











Social Proof:





Email 5

Send Date:

Subject Line:











Social Proof:





Email 6

Send Date:

Subject Line:











Social Proof:





Step Six: The Powerful and Under-Utilized Strategy to Always Cash-In

Even if your free content is simply meant to be educational, you can still earn money from a single email…by utilizing the PS section with a strong call to action.

You know that PS part of every email; it’s directly under your signature and it’s considered your “last ditch effort” to reach your readers with an offer.

Do you know why this space is important? Because a reader’s brain doesn’t remember every little thing you write. Most often the brain remembers the first thing it sees (your headline), something unusual (your story or body copy) and the last thing it sees (your PS). The headline draws in readers; the story entertains or educates them; and the PS leads them to a next step.

Even if your reader scans the entire email, chances are high they will scan to the very end and notice your PS. Crafting your PS with strong words and a sense of urgency can actually get your scanner to slow down and really take in that last bit of info.

Not every email needs to be promotional in nature BUT every email can include an offer. That’s the beauty of this PS section. Deliver your educational or inspirational message in the body of your email and save the call to action for the very end.

Of course, that call-to-action can lead to a paid offer or it can lead to a rousing discussion on social media. Direct your subscriber to a new opt-in report or lead them to your newest mastermind group. The choice is yours. Consider this just another avenue to train your readers to take action with your emails while also building your credibility.

A well-written PS performs these 3 functions with a limited word count:

·         Describe what the reader will lose if they don’t take this action.

·         Describe what the reader will gain.

·         Create a sense of urgency, either with a deadline or a limited number of products available.

In the next exercise, try crafting some PS calls-to-action that are intriguing enough to get some clicks.

Exercise: PS Your Way to Success

Develop your ask and irresistible PS call-to-actions.

Plan Your PS Calls-to-Action

Your Promo:

What will the reader lose?

What will the reader gain?

What’s the urgency?

Write your PS here…



Your Promo:

What will the reader lose?

What will the reader gain?

What’s the urgency?

Write your PS here…

Your Promo:

What will the reader lose?

What will the reader gain?

What’s the urgency?

Write your PS here…


Your Promo:

What will the reader lose?

What will the reader gain?

What’s the urgency?

Write your PS here…

Step Seven: Ditch the ISH: Make it Easy to Sell Everyday

Do you make an offer in every email that you send? Or do you have the mindset that making offers is rude? Or insensitive? Or that you’ll come across like the stereotypical used car salesman by being too pushy?

That’s BS…or ish, as some people say. If you’re running a business, you need to ask for the sale, every single time. Don’t leave subtle hints. Don’t assume that if someone visits your website, they’ll buy something without a little coaxing. If you aren’t asking, you aren’t making money. It’s as simple as that.

You’ve worked hard creating this business, your products, and all your content; it should be working to get you sales. However, if you’re stuck with thinking, “Oh, I don’t want to bother people; I’ll wait until they come to me,” that’s being too passive. Guaranteed, one of your competitors is being pushier and getting their name in the spotlight more frequently than you…and they’re asking for that sale.

Sometimes business owners stress over what type of content to create. Or they know that an email should go out on Tuesday but when Tuesday rolls around, their mind draws a blank. Let’s make it super easy to generate revenue every day and easily multiply your revenue this year by creating a content bank.

A content bank is a listing of all your current content, when it was published, where it was published, and divided into content categories (or buckets, as some like to say). An easy way to track this content is in Trello. Or create a separate spreadsheet workbook for each content format.

Your inspiration bank is where you keep brainstorm ideas of topics you want to share with your list. Or notes about how to repurpose one blog post into 10 different social media posts. Both of these banks make it easy to stay organized and to always have a working list of ideas to pull from.

Jot down some simple topics to start and then take the time later to develop them into content or products. The idea is to not be saddled with writer’s block or to be caught unprepared when an awesome affiliate or JV opportunity comes your way and you don’t have content ready.

While you’re creating your content bank is a great time to analyze if you’re hitting all the right topics (buckets) that will serve your list. What topics have gotten the most engagement on social media? Which blog posts have the most comments? Are there any topics that you keep including in your emails but don’t get any reactions, either with open rates or click rates?

Discard any topics that don’t work and introduce topics that are proven to be popular. When you’re creating new content, keep these buckets in mind so you can craft a more cohesive and logical message.

Exercise: Money Multiplier Checklist

Create a content bank to never run out of ideas for your promotions or serving your list.




Date Published




Date Published

Exercise: Create an inspiration bank of ideas you want to pursue as products, programs, or content.


Email Ideas

Content Ideas

Product Ideas

Program Ideas

 Want to build a program that practically sells itself? Let’s chat. Schedule a call here and we can talk about how to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.


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